How to record sound on your smart phone.

If the idea of recording sound is really new and potentially a bit scary for you- We've got your back.  At the end of this video, you should feel pretty confident making and sharing your own sounds.

Click below to download the accompanying PDF with additional information and resources.

If you'd like to hear what others have been recording please visit HERE


Submit your sounds


If you have captured the sounds that represent Coming Home for you, we would love you to send them to us.

  • If you could please keep your recordings to a maximum of 1 minute (or split longer recordings into multiple samples.)

  • Note that the upload limit for files is 10mb.

  • We are happy to accept most common audio file types.

We'll be making all of the contributed sounds available for participants to download and reimagine in the next step of the project.

Please note that in order to make the sounds easily available to participants all sound recordings submitted here in Step 1 are made so under a Creative Commons license. For more information on what that means please CLICK HERE.

Hit the submit button below to upload your sounds.